Sales & Marketing Engineers

Sales and Marketing for SMEs

that is Simple, Clear and Effective

Helping smaller companies scale with simple marketing fundamentals to grow your business consistently.

“It has been great working with Sales and Marketing Engineers. Their knowledge and professionalism across the whole process has simplified everything for us. We are in good hands”

- Steve Lampkin, Owner of Olivers Contracts

Offering a range of of sales and marketing services - from DIY packages to fully outsourced,  including the following areas 

Sales and Marketing Services


Designing a unique exciting plan of action customised to your business. Designed to  find gold nuggets within the companies knowledge not yet utilised.


Understanding your brand, making sure it's fit for purpose, unique, represents you and is out there consistently.


Are you aware of your value, and your message? Bringing clarity to your audience, clarity of your value and USP.


Auditing, refreshing or redeveloping your website to attract, engage and convert visitors.


Once you have all the marketing basics in place the right mix of promotion channels is key, SEO, PPC, Email and Social Media - we can help with that!

Sales Outreach

Follow up follow up follow up! If your not a salesperson or don't like picking up the phone then don’t! We have a great team of experienced sales people.


Organising your database and CRM is key to understanding your audience in order to target your audience.


You can't manage what you don't measure. Setting up and monitoring the right analytics is powerful!

“Working with Rachael & Stef and the team has been a game changer! They are professional, efficient, and full of great ideas! We have already implemented some changes saving us valuable time and increasing our sales”

- Richard Kennard, Puckmuck

Stefan Buss

Stefan is dynamic full of energy and loves optimising systems and processes . He has a passion for both sales and marketing and especially everything digital (and happens to be a qualified engineer!)

Rachael Holmes

Rachael is an authentic saleswoman with tons of creative enthusiasm. Looking at the business from the target audience’s point of view with a magnifying glass! Keeping communications clear and simple.

“It's rare that you come across someone like Stefan, as clued-up about sales strategies as he is about branding and marketing, you don't come across people who are experts in both these areas very often.”

-Clare Farthing, Marketing Professional


We believe strongly that shared values in business relationships are vital. The values we founded the company on;

  • Authenticity
  • Simplicity
  • Education
  • Collaboration
  • Results
  • Fun
  • Learning
  • Structured approach

We believe marketing should be fun, interesting and sales driven. 

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